2010年1月2日 星期六

Barriers to Empowerment

"John P. Kotter"; "Leading Change"; Page 102, Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
As a change agent in a big company, we need to understand and provides workable solution to bring our friends out of the box. Escalation is the western medicine but Team Building is the Chinese Recipe.

2009年11月26日 星期四

Dual Source Should Be Material Allocation Table

When you think it is easy to code this best practice for dual source with MoQ issue. Think deep and you will found the database requirement is increased a lot. And the cost of the application will have big difference.

2009年11月24日 星期二

Even Virus Attack can affect UAT

Cannot believe the first issue found in UAT is Virus. I do not think any Test Script have this included. A good learning but luckly we still have 3 days buffer planned to avoid project delay. Let's cross our finger and hope there will not be another suprise.

2009年11月22日 星期日

Quick Success Relationship with Leadership and Management

The Relationship of Leadership, Management, Short-Term Results, and Successful Transformation.
Page 129, Leading Change, John Kotter, Havard Business School Press, 1996.

Do we need to manage a quick success in this Project?

2009年11月21日 星期六

A Vision Found in the Book - Leading Change

The vision driving our department's reengineering effort is simple. We want to reduce our costs by at least 30 percent and increase the speed with which we can response to customers by at least 40 percent. These are stretch goals, but we know based on the pilot in Austin that they are archievable if we all work together. When this is completed, in approximately three years, we will have leapfrogged our biggest competitors and achieved all the associated benefits: better satisfied customers, increased revenue growth, more job security, and the enormous pride that comes from great accomplishments.

"John P. Kotter"; "Leading Change"; Page 78, Harvard Business School Press, 1996.

Can you get the similar message by reading the visual that have been posted a few days ago?

2009年11月20日 星期五

Training Before UAT

It is an important step although the User may say they know the system well. A simple form to keep this Record is good enough.

2009年11月16日 星期一

Order Promising for E&O Process

It is not easy to understand the relationship between the Topic and Partial Shipment Report. Anyway, it is an input from End-User which could be fulfilled by attached Process Map.